This made me wanna sand out those spin lines. This wasnt too fun i must confess but heres how i did it.
I used 220 grip sandpaper on an orbital sander and this quickly removed the spin lines. Probably 5 minutes for the whole dome. I sanded it on the frame so i could spin it on the rockler bearing. I also used a plastic bag over the inner dome to keep all the gunk out of it.
220 Orbital Sander
Next i hit it with 320 Grit on the Orbital Sander. This was pretty quick as well.
After this i moved to 400 grit wet dry and went in circular patterns. I used the pie panels as reference where i started and did one "pie" section at a time. I used 1/4 of a sheet for each section.
Next the same but with 600 Grit
Then 1200 and one more time at 2000 Grit
Once this is done i took some Mothers Mag aluminum polish and a cheap harbor freight buffer and buffed the dome. Once the polish starts turning black you then just buff it off with an old tshirt etc. The more you buff the shinier it will get.
Looks a bit different in person, ie a little less shiny, but here's the result. I think just the right amount of shine.
Now i gotta do the panels ugg...Also what mess...
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