I noticed that the ring was very stiff and hard to turn. I read over at astromech.net that many peoplehad replaced the metal ball bearings with acetyl bearings. I figured I'd give this a shot.
First i separated the two rings and removed the bearings. Next i started cleaning with acetone and i noticed it was painted with some really cheap silver paint. I removed it all with acetone and break cleaner.
Next i used a dremel to buff and clean out the races. I just used one of those little white buffing dremel tools.
After that i put it all back together and put the acetyl bearings in. Note: don't fill it completely up with bearings. Leave about 2 inches of space where there are no bearings or it will bind. Once i had it closed up, i did a spin test and this is about 1000% better no kidding.
Link to a video below....