Well now its time to mount the drives to the foot shells. To do this i decided to use 1/4 - 20 screws. In order to make sure they lined up correctly i made a template. I used some vice grips to secure it for drilling.
Next I used a little vhb tape to secure the template to the foot shell and drilled them out.
First step is to mark and cut out all the panels. I used a hacksaw blade for all the easy to access panels and a sharp chisel for the really tight panels. Thanks for the tip guys!
Here is a shot of the skins as panels are being cut. Make sure to number all the panels first.
Next i had to bond all the panels together. I used 3M VHB tape. I did a tutorial on this as well and ill link the video here. Its a bit boring :)
Next i prepared my Dexter set for some painting. First like many other members, i started with Duplicolor self etching primer. I did about 2 - 3 coats.
Then about 3 or so coats of rustoleum auto primer and last i did 4 coats of Rustoleum Satin White. Its important to read the can. You can do a second coat within 1 hour or AFTER 48 hours. If you dont follow you'll get orange peal.
Once that fully dried it was time to bond the skins together. I was nervous but decided to just go for it. I used 5mil 3M VHB tape for this as well. I didnt want to try to clean a mess of jb weld or silicone off the nicely painted skins.
I tried lining them up as best i could. This would be easier with 2 people. My back skins were a tiny off but nothing noticeable. I pressed them tight and held them with cheap clams from Harbor Freight.
Same for the front panel. This was a lot easier to line up because you can use the coin slots as a jig to hold them true.
Lastly the back door. I didn't cut my inner skins properly. I had to do a lot of filing to get it to fit :) But its all good now.